Drug and Alcohol Testing2020-05-18T16:14:51+10:00

Drug and Alcohol Testing

Drug and Alcohol Testing is becoming increasingly common in Australian workplaces, as the impact of alcohol and other drugs continues to have an effect on the overall Work Health and Safety of employees. It is been estimated that 25% of workplace accidents; and 10% workplace deaths are drug or alcohol related. If you are concerned about drug use in your workplace, a D&A policy and program can drastically help to reduce these risks and increase WHS protection.

LaneWorkSafe provide trusted results for your on-site drug and alcohol testing.

The two most common matrix or modes of on-site drug testing are saliva and urine based drug testing kits. Both have their advantages, and depending on your workplace can be suitable for in-house drug testing programs.

Talk to a member of the team today, for your customised, on-site drug testing solution.

On-Site Drug Testing Services

If your workplace is looking to implement a drug and alcohol testing program, but do not want to conduct the tests yourself; using a third party to conduct the drug testing or drug screening could be the solution. Having qualified third party testers to come on-site will limit any personal bias or staff relationship issues.

Based on your location across Australia, we are able to provide a team of friendly, trained professionals to come on-site and meet your drug and alcohol testing needs.

Get in touch with us today, to discuss this further 1800 429 219.

What drug groups should be included in the drug testing?

The first place to start is under Australian Standard requirements for urine 4308:2008 and saliva/oral fluid 4760:2006 respectively.

Depending on your industry or location, you may also be concerned around the use of other substances such as, Synthetic Marijuana/Cannabinoids, Buprenorphine or Oxycodone. We have the capabilities to detect for these drugs, while still incorporating Australian Standard drug groups.

Importantly, LaneWorkSafe are comprised of a professional team whom understand the risks associated with workplace drug and alcohol use. With a commitment to privacy and confidentiality we understand the importance of keeping staff safe.

LaneWorkSafe truly believe that Worksafe – Workwell can and should be one of every organisation’s mottos.

  • 7 key elements to a successful workplace drug and alcohol testing program: PDF

For more information on Policy Development, view our Information Package.


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